Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Ashram - a wisdom school, ashram, and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica. Visit us at satyoga.org

Saturday Mar 26, 2022
The Eternal Return of Spiritual Anarchy - Shunyamurti teaching
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Shunyamurti introduces a talk by Dan Smith about Nietzsche, giving a colorful overview of his life and the development of his personal philosophy that led him to divine madness--in an insane asylum–and his understanding of the dialectic of the drives, which takes off from where Heigel left off. This is a followup to the morning teaching, The Dialectic of the Drives.

Thursday Mar 24, 2022
The Pitfall of the Postmodern Peter Panic - Shunyamurti Teaching
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
It has become obvious that we are living through the increasingly insane times that come with the downfall of social order. In this interview with Hasan Azad, Shunyamurti addresses the theme of sanity vs. insanity, giving a full perspective on the psychotic state of the consciousness that is ruling the world and offering insight into the cause of mass psychosis, disempowerment as a result of disinformation, the engineered collapse of social order–and the merciful end that is underway.

Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Warning: Yoga Will Take Away Your Joy of Suffering - Shunyamurti Teaching
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
How can we cultivate a state of peace in these times of great suffering? Shunyamurti reminds us the source of suffering is our desire to sustain the illusion, but overcoming suffering simply requires transcending the I-thought, by going beyond the mind to gain the wisdom of the heart.

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Shunyamurti reveals the Dao of Sat Yoga and how this can help us and guide us amidst the chaos of current world events, if one of the three pathways to Liberation--the Fire of Wisdom, Love and Emptiness--are chosen and realized.

Thursday Mar 03, 2022
How Can Jekyll Eliminate Hyde? - Shunyamurti Teaching
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Shunyamurti tells the tale of the creation of the modern ego–and its neurotic cycles of guilt and goodness that lead to the creation of a Jekyll and Hyde consciousness–and the way back to guilt-free goodness.

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Career Opportunity—Interdimensional Travel Required - Shunyamurti Teaching
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Shunyamurti reminds us that we are at the end of days, and this is the last opportunity to leave behind the ego, so that we may fulfill our function as authentic avatars and illuminate the world!

Saturday Feb 12, 2022
The Algorithm Has No Rhyme or Reason - Shunyamurti Teaching
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
The Kali Yuga ego is a basic algorithm based on ignorance and lack that has no control of its own destiny. Shunyamurti gives the way out of this trap: a return to superconsciousness, where real wisdom and power prevail, and where the true Singularity abides.

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
The Heart is Ripped Apart by Divergent Drives - Shunyamurti Teaching
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Shunyamurti explains that the ultimate result of the spiritual dialectical process is Self-Realization. This can only be accomplished when the divergent drives of the thesis of the ego are overtaken by the convergent drives of the antithetical soul and translated to the ultimate level as the synthesis of Spirit.

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Shunyamurti gives a timely call to action to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet in order to counteract the warring state of Kali Yuga and the current world order: "The human spirit is now rising in the world, awakening to the nature of the situation on the phenomenal plane. And thus, the ruling elite are in a panic mode, and they recognize that they cannot prevent the tide from turning against them and from there being mass arrests for genocide and other crimes against humanity. And because of this they have to divert attention very quickly, and since they cannot prevent their own populations from rising against them in the West they will use Russian missiles to do it for them and Chinese weapons of mass destruction. And its for this reason for playing this last card that they have built massive underground cities with stockpiles of food and they are beginning to move into this next phase in which there will be massive destruction by other means than is currently happening. And this acceleration of events will have many implications because when the war goes kinetic, it will happen in space, under water, under the ground, and it will destroy everything in most parts of the world, and because the war will take place in cyberspace as well, it will cut communications, and it will disrupt every system and it will stop the import of food and fuel and other supplies. So there reverberation will strike everywhere. We must be prepared spiritually and psychologically...." Shunyamurti reads from Shunya Sampadane: The Main Scripture of Veerashaivas by Linga Raju