Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Ashram - a wisdom school, ashram, and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica. Visit us at satyoga.org

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
God’s Sense of Humor is Liberating - Satyoga.org
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Existence has been described as a “cosmic joke.” What is the universal punchline and how can we come to understand God’s humor so we can join in the laughter of Liberation?

Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Your Potential is Infinite - Shunyamurti Teaching
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Shunyamurti begins this powerful teaching with a question: Where do you wish to abide for eternity? The moment has arrived to choose your destiny.

Saturday Jun 19, 2021
The Source is Both Personal and Impersonal - Shunyamurti Teaching
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Shunyamurti addresses the question of the reality of God and the importance of cultivating an authentic relationship to God that is both personal and impersonal--in order to realize that God, the Self, is the only true Reality.

Friday Jun 18, 2021
The Source is Both Personal and Impersonal - Satyoga.org
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Shunyamurti addresses the question of the reality of God and the importance of cultivating an authentic relationship to God that is both personal and impersonal--in order to realize that God, the Self, is the only true Reality.

Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Connect to the Infinite Mind - Shunyamurti Teaching
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Shunyamurti offers insight into the maps and modules of reality, helping us to understand that divine intelligence is the source of this dream reality. Now is the moment to awaken to that intelligence that is our own consciousness, to be the solution we are seeking, so we can re-dream this world that is in danger of extinction.

Saturday May 29, 2021
God is the Game Changer - Shunyamurti Teaching
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Shunyamurti speaks about the concept of the “game changer” and how it applies to the spiritual path. The ego, like a machine, is controlled by drives that are destined to fail, and the only way to "change the game" and have the chance to succeed is with Love, and that’s just the beginning…

Saturday May 22, 2021
Transcending Trauma, Realizing Truth - Shunyamurti Teaching
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
Shunyamurti speaks to transcending trauma through an alchemical process: Face the dark shadow energy and bring it to light through the healing power of love, allowing the wounded ego to die in the fire of transformation, and the true healer to be reborn.

Saturday May 15, 2021
The Superposition of World and God - Shunyamurti Teaching
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
In this beautiful morning teaching, Shunyamurti explains how we are living in two dimensions simultaneously - the relative and the Absolute - and that now is the moment to use our intelligence and free will to choose the highest reality, Liberation over illusion, in order to bring the light of the Real to the dark dimension of the unreal.

Saturday May 08, 2021
Divine Madness is the Means of Liberation - Shunyamurti Teaching
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
In this excerpt from a White Magic retreat teaching, Shunyamurti shares the wisdom of the Orphic mystery schools, using the examples of magic, muses and divine madness to help us to understand the journey from ego self to archetypal self, and the soul's capacity for redemption by raising its vibrational level of consciousness.